Thursday, October 16, 2008


People come in two types: those who encourage you and those who want to set you straight.

I once knew a man whom I admired for his astute comments and at first I enjoyed hearing from him. He used a technique of first praising something I had written and then finishing it with a criticism that sometimes left me feeling stupid, but still I learned from it and was glad. However, it got to the point that when I saw him approach I would brace myself for what I knew was coming.

Now, used correctly, it's a great technique, but used too often it loses its grace and becomes only a tell, an advance notice of what is coming. I longed to hear him say simply 'That was great', but it never came. Because of deference to him I never complained and took it like a proper wet-behind-the-ears reporter should, but it was abrasive.

I try to remember that today. We all like to hear praise and I think it should come often, but too much and it becomes hollow. It's the proper balance between praise and constructive criticism that is best. Oh, if only we could find it.

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